Tellfy > September 2018 update

September 2018 update


We inform you of the news of the new update of Tellfy of the version published in September 2018, for Android and iOS platforms.


  • Redesign of the iPhone application interface. We have redesigned the screen of communities and groups of the iPhone application to make it more intuitive and pleasant to use for the user. Now the communities come out as a list and we have added new utility icons.
    • Icon with a blue crown to indicate that you are a community or group administrator.
    • Icon with a green crown to indicate that you are moderator of the group.
    • Icon with an orange user to indicate that you have pending membership requests in community or group.
  • Accessibility improvements in Android application. We have made accessibility improvements in the Android application, so if you have configured your device with a large font, you can read messages and move around the application without problems.
  • iPhone application translation. Now the iPhone application is translated into Spanish, Catalan and English. The language of the application will be the language you have configured on your iPhone. If you have it in another language, by default it will appear in Spanish.


The Tellfy team