Tellfy plans
Tellfy is the ideal platform to be able to communicate effectively with your group.
Discover our plans and select the one that best suits your needs.
From 100 users
Informative and participatory groups
Sending multiple content
No file size limit
Scheduled shipments
Sending communications by email
Segmented shipments with attributes
Integration with Whatsapp
Tellfy Analytics
API access for integrations
Advanced security
From 100 users
Informative and participatory groups
Sending multiple content
No file size limit
Shceduled shipments
Sending communications by email
Segmented shipments with attributes
Whatsapp integration
Tellfy Analytics
API access for integrations
Advanced security

Do you want to try Tellfy for 30 days free?
Planes específicos para colectivos
Si formas parte de uno de estos colectivos, Tellfy incluye además funcionalidades específicas que se activan en el servicio. Contáctanos para que podamos ofrecerte información y un plan específico adaptado para ti.