This function is only visible by the Community Administrator profile
In each community it is possible to configure whether you want private messages between users to be allowed or not. By default private chats are allowed.
When private messages are allowed, users when accessing another user’s profile can send a private message.
If you deactivate the messages, users cannot send private messages. However, you can configure a list of users who will have permissions to send these messages.
A user who is on the whitelist will appear the option to send messages to users. If the user receiving the messages is not on the white list, they will receive these private messages but cannot answer them. That is, they are unidirectional private messages.
If both users are on the white list, they can chat with each other as in a chat
- To add users to the white list, first disable the Allow private messages option and press the View list option.
- In the new screen press the + or Add button, to add new users who will have permission to send private messages to the list.
To remove a user from the white list, select it with a long press and select the option to remove from the white list.